↑Composite skeletal reconstruction of Giraffatitan brancai largely based on paralectotype MB.R.2181 with complete skull MB.R.2223. Scale bar is 1m for MB.R.2181. The largest specimen (formerly known as HMN XVII) is approximately 13% larger…
↑Skeletal reconstruction of famous Smithsonian trikes. Top, Triceratops horridus USNM 2100; bottom, Triceratops sp. USNM 4842. Scale bar is 1m. スミソニアン――本ブログの読者にはたぶんUSNMと言った方が通りがよい――の恐竜展示の歴史は当然古く、…
↑Skeletal reconstruction of huge hadrosaur Shantungosaurus giganteus (composite; including holotype GMV 1780-1) and Saurolophus angustirostris (composite; largely based on MPC-D 100/764). Scale bar is 1m for GMV 1780-1 and MPC-D 100/764. …